2 thoughts on “Sex Addiction

  1. Cristian says:

    I’ve been struggling with sex and relationships my whole life I cheat on all of my girlfriends and I don’t know why. Lately I’ve just been feeling very depressed and I’ve been having thoughts about ending it. Please someone help me

    • Hi Cristian, the first step is always recognising a problem and asking for help. I felt suicidal too before coming into recovery for my various addictive behaviours. Since I have been in recovery I no longer feel this way. I found a solution to my problems in recovery via 12 step recovery and EMDR therapy for PTSD. The first step is to work out what the main issues are. For example, do you suffer from sex addiction or are there other issues like trust issues or trauma caused by abuse? A quick way to find out if you are a sex addict is by attending a 12 step group meeting which deals with sex addiction. If you identify with what the other people are saying about their lives then you may be like them too? 12 step group participation of any sort is very therapeutic so get along to one. It is also free. I have also benefitted from EMDR therapy too and this way help you get some insight into what troubles you. The message of hope is that there is help out there so have a look around your area. People will know what you are going through as they have probably had similar feelings and problems. There are so people out there who can help, if you let them. Let me know if I can help further too? Paul

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